SCC Trustees

The Trustees are focused on ensuring that the financial and property resources are sufficient for South Church to fulfill its mission.
What We Do

Provide oversight and management of the Church’s finances, including taking the lead in development of the annual operating budget and long-term capital needs.
Oversee the Church’s investments, including recruiting volunteers with financial expertise to provide ongoing oversight and advice.
Provide oversight of maintenance of the Church’s five properties: Church, Community House, Carriage House, Parsonage, and River Green.
Receive advice from the Church’s volunteer Property Managers, who work closely with the Church’s Sexton.
Questions and suggestions about the Church’s finances and properties from all members of the congregation are welcomed by the Trustees.
Task Groups, which include both Trustees and non-committee members, are formed as needed to focus on particular issues, such as:
Beautification & landscaping
Financial policy & management
Planning & development
Property management

How to Help