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South Church Music and Choirs

Chancel Choir rehearsals have begun, Thursdays, 7:00pm in the Music Room, for those High School age young and adults interested in singing with the choir on Sunday mornings.


At South Church, the role of music in worship and enriching our spiritual journey has been well established over the years.  Along side the spoken word, quietness of prayer, celebration of the sacraments, and words of mission, we recognize that music plays an integral part in carrying the gospel message and expresses our faithfulness and gratitude to God.  Through the singing of hymns and anthems, the playing of the organ and other musical instruments, we celebrate God’s love, devotion is inspired, and lives are transformed.  

Our musical outreach, variety of choirs, and the dedication of a new Noack pipe organ in 2005, all exemplify our strong commitment to music ministry, and our endeavor to reach the highest musical standards.

David E. Brandes, Organist and Choir Director

David came to South Congregational Church in January 2015.  Prior to accepting the South Church position, he served as Professor of Music, Music Department Chair, and Director of the Visual and Performing Arts Division at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire.  Mr. Brandes also served as conductor of the Monadnock Chorus and Orchestra for thirteen years, and as guest conductor for various musical organizations.  He has conducted several international concert tours and held the position of Music Director and Organist for many churches in New England.


At South Church, David has developed a Chime Choir, revitalized the Children’s Choir, and composed many prayer responses, introits, and Chime Choir arrangements.  He holds music degrees from New England Conservatory and Boston University.  

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